Peru and Galapagos Luxury Experience

( 13 Days / 12 Nights )
Duration : 13 Days / 12 Nights


Physical difficulty : Low

This is our mainstay program, with an added excursion to the Galapagos, with its majestic beaches and charming wildlife. You will begin your journey by flying to Cusco, to begin the first portion of your trip, where youlive the Inca experience and explorethe impressive sites of Sacsayhuaman and other surrounding sites, such as Ollantaytambo in the Valley of the Incas, before reaching Machu Picchu citadel. You will then flight to Ecuador and finally to Galapagos, in order to board your cruise through the. Galapagos islands. The islands are geologically young and famed for their vast number of endemic species, which were studied by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle. His observations and collections contributed to the inception of Darwin´s theory of evolution by natural selection.

Day 1: Arrival to Lima + Overnight in Lima
Day 2: Flight to Cusco + Afternoon City tour + Overnight in Cusco
Day 3: Sacred Valley Tour (with Lunch) + Overnight in Cusco
Day 4: Machu Picchu Tour + Overnight in Cusco
Day 5 Back to Lima and connect with flight to Ecuador + Overnight in Quito or Guayaquil
Day 6: Flight to Galapagos and Cruise Program (Saturday to Saturday) + Arrive to Baltra Island + Daphne Major Islet
Day 7: Isabela Island (Albemarle Island): Punta Vicente Roca + Fernandina Island (Narborough Island): Punta Espinoza + Overnight Cruise
Day 8: Isabela Island: Urvina Bay + Isabela Island: Tagus Cove + Overnight Cruise
Day 9: Bartolome Island (Pinnacle Rock & Overlook) + Santiago Island (James Island): Sullivan Bay + Overnight Cruise
Day 10: Santa Cruz Island: Bachas Beach + Radiba Island + Overnight Cruise
Day 11: Santa Cruz Island: Charles Darwin Research Station + Santa Cruz Island Wild Tortoise Reserve (highlands), tunnels + Overnight Cruise
Day 12: Española Island: (Hood Island): Punta Suarez + Española Island: Gardner Bay / Gardner Islet / Osborn Islet + + Overnight Cruise
Day 13: San Cristobal: Interpretation Center + Depart for Mainland Ecuador + Back Home

DAY BY DAY ITINERARY Peru and Galapagos Luxury Experience

  • Day 1: Arrival to Lima & Overnight in Lima

    Upon your arrival to Lima one of our representatives will meet you at the airport and take you directly to your hotel in Lima, where you will spend a well-deserved overnight stay. *While in Lima, we highly recommend adding culinary activities such as cooking classes and tasting dinners in the best restaurants of Latin America. For more information visit our website: and contact our travel specialists for more information on our cuilnary activities. Please let us know if you would like us to add extra activities.

  • Day 2: Flight to Cusco & Afternoon City Tour & Overnight in Cusco (B)

    You will be transferred to the airport for the short domestic flight to Cusco, the ancient capital of the Incas, located at 11,100 feet above sea level. You will be met upon arrival by one of our representatives.. You will have the remainder of the morning to rest and freshen up. It’s best to take it easy this morning to let your body adjust to the altitude. Both lunch and dinner are on your own. After lunch, you will set out on grand tour of Cusco, the former capital of the once vast Incan Empire. We visit Cusco’s impressive Plaza de Armas and both the Spanish cathedral and Incan temple of the sun, Qoricancha. After this we visit the archeological site above the city that were considered an essential part of the ancient capital. We start from Sacsayhuaman, where Inti Raymi, the Festival of the Sun, is held during the Summer Solstice, Tambomachay, the Temple of the Sacred Waters, which is a marvel of hydraulic engineering and Q´enqo where we will see the remains of a ceremonial site used for fertility rites and for celebrations of the solstice and equinox. * An extra day in Cusco can be added upon request. Please let us know if you like us to add additional activities and meals.

  • Day 3: Sacred Valley of the Incas & Overnight in Cusco (B, L)

    After breakfast we set out into the Urubamba Valley, also known as the Sacred Valley of the Incas. We will start our visit at Pisac Ruins,one of the most beautiful archeological site that combines a beautiful architectural structure with a stunning landscape. Pisac site is located on the highest hill of the city, on a dry and rocky surface. Then we will have some time to have lunch and recover energies to continue with the tour. Finally, we head deeper into the Sacred Valley and visit the Inca town of Ollantaytambo. At the end of the tour you will be transferred to the Ollanta train station to catch the train to the town of Aguas Calientes. According to Peru rail regulations you can only bring a 5 kilos-backpack on the train, so the rest of your luggage will be taken to your Hotel in Cusco. A hotel staff member will be waiting for you at the train station. An extra overnight at the Sacred Valley can be added upon request, as well as additional activities and meals.

  • Day 4: Machu Picchu & Overnight in Cusco (B, S)

    The day you have been waiting for! After breakfast, we catch the train to the town of Aguas Calientes and we will then continue by bus to the Machu Picchu citadel. This day you will enjoy a full tour of the lost city and have lunch on your own after the tour. In the afternoon we say farewell to Machu Picchu as we take the train to set out by Poroy station, where transportation will be waiting for you to bring you to Cusco. You will arrive at night at your Cusco hotel. * An overnight in Machu Picchu can be added upon request, as well as bus and entrance tickets for a second day at the citadel. Please let us know if you would like to add other activities and meals.

  • Day 5: Flight back to Lim, Connecting Flight to Ecuador & Overnight in Quito (B)

    After breakfast at your hotel in Cusco, you will begin your trip back toLima, in order to continue on the second portion of your excursion: Galapagos. You will be met by one of our representatives, who will transfer you to the airport in Cusco to take your short one-hour flight back to the capital city. Once you arrive in Lima, you will connect with your flight to Quito, Ecuador. Upon arriving in Quito, you will be met at the airport and taken to your hotel by one of our representatives to rest and relax. *There are programs with more days. Please contact our travel specialists to help you customize your trip.

  • Day 6: Daphne Major Islet & Overnight Cruise (B, L, D)

    This morning we fly to Baltra Island in the Galapagos. Flight time is just under 2 hours from the mainland. Upon arrival we board M/V Evolution where you will have lunch and a quick briefing en route to our first visitor site: Daphne Major Islet. We will circumnavigate Daphne Major Islet which is home to a variety of birds including Galapagos martins, blue footed boobies, nazca boobies, short eared owls, red billed tropic birds amongst others.

  • Day 7: Isabela island: Punta Vicente Roca, Fernandina island: Punta Espinoza & Overnight Cruise (B, L, D)

    In the morning we visit Punta Vicente Roca on Isabela Island. Snorkeling is incredible here as a result of the nutrient-rich waters of the Humboldt Current that bathe the western side of the archipelago. We will have a chance to see colorful fish, sea lions, penguins and sea turtles in the water. Afternoon visit to Fernandina Island, home to La Cumbre volcano, which erupts frequently (most recently in May 2005). We visit Punta Espinoza, a narrow spit of land, where a number of unique species, such as flightless cormorants, marine iguanas, sea turtles, Galapagos Penguins and Galapagos hawks can be seen in close proximity.

  • Day 8: Isabela island: Urbina bay, Tagus cove & Overnight Cruise (B, L, D)

    Urbina Bay is directly west of Isabela’s Volcano Alcedo, where we will make an easy, wet landing (a hop into a few inches of water). We walk on a stretch of three miles (5 km) of the marine reef that has been uplifted by as much as 13 feet (4 meters) out of the water. A highlight of this excursion are the giant land iguanas and giant tortoises, as well as the opportunity to go snorkeling amongst marine creatures, or just relaxing on shore. In the afternoon we visit Tagus Cove on Isabela Island. A wooden stairway rises to the trail entrance and continues around Darwin Lake through a dry vegetation zone, and ends in a promontory formed by spatter cones. The site provides spectacular views of our anchorage in the bay, as well as Darwin and Wolf Volcanoes. The green algae underwater pastures of the cove offer the chance to snorkel with marine iguanas, sea turtles, penguins and sea horses.

  • Day 9: Bartolome island: Pinnacle rock & Overlook, & Santiago Island: Sullivan bay & Overnight Cruise (B, L, D)

    In the morning we visit Bartolome Island, famous for Pinnacle Rock, where we will see Galapagos Penguins and sea lions. We will also hike a trail to Bartolome’s summit where you will be rewarded with spectacular views of Pinnacle Rock and our beach, where the crystal blue waters of the bay cradle your yacht. Afternoon visit to Sullivan Bay, one of the most outstanding volcanic sites in the Galapagos. In the nearly 100 years since the Sullivan Bay Flow, only a few plants like Mollugo and Lava cacti have managed to take root in this harsh environment. Oystercatchers can be seen fishing for crabs and mollusks in the tide pools of Sullivan Bay. After exploring the lava flow, you will swimmand do snorkeling with playful sea lions off two small coraline beaches. Finally you will relax on shore.

  • Day 10: Santa Cruz Island: Bachas Beach, Rabida Island: Jervis & Overnight Cruise (B, L, D)

    In the morning we visit Las Bachas, a sandy white-coral beach that is a major egg-laying site for sea turtles. The name Bachas refers to the remains of landing craft left here at the end of WWII. Ashore marine iguanas mingle with flamingos and other wading birds in another of the many super saline lagoons found in the Galapagos. Rabida Island, commonly known by its English name of Jervis, is unique for the very red color of the beach and cliffs, beneath which one can find gliding sea turtles and perched blue footed boobies. A thick forest of Palo Santo trees sits back from the beach sheltering a yellow saltwater lagoon. Pelicans next in the thickets and brightly colored pink flamingoes graze the lagoon. A sea lion colony likes to laze on the red sands of the beach. We hike up a tiny peninsula for a wonderful view of the beach and lagoon. Sea caves invite exploration further down the coast.

  • Day 11: Santa Cruz island: highlands and the Charles Darwin research station & Overnight Cruise (B, L, D)

    Santa Cruz is the second largest island in the Galapagos and its capital, Puerto Ayora, is the economic center of the Islands. In the morning we visit the Charles Darwin Research Station to visit the Giant Tortoise and Land Iguana Breeding and Rearing Program. Here we used to find Lonesome George (now deceased), the last of his particular race of tortoise. Afternoon visit to the Highlands, where the dry coastal vegetation transitions to lush wet fields and forests overgrown with moss and lichens. Our destination is the Tortoise Reserve, where we will have chances see these animals in the wild.

  • Day 12: Española Island: Punta Suarez, Gardner Bay & Overnight Cruise (B, L, D)

    Española, also known as Hood, is the southernmost island of the archipelago, and is one of the most popular due to the breathtaking variation and number of fauna that inhabit the island. In the morning we visit Punta Suarez where you will witness the largest variety of marine iguanas in the Galapagos, masked boobies and blue footed boobies nesting along the cliff’s edge, as well as the nesting site of the famous waved albatross. In the afternoon we visit Gardner Bay, a magnificent long white sandy beach, where colonies of sea lions laze in the sun, sea turtles swim offshore, and inquisitive mockingbirds boldly investigate new arrivals.

  • Day 13: Saturday San Cristobal island: interpretation center, Flight Back to Mainland (Ecuador) & Flight Back Home (B)

    Today our Galapagos cruise comes to an end, but before we bid farewell to the Evolution and her crew we pay a visit to the Galapagos National Park Visitor Centre on San Cristobal Island. The Centre presents a comprehensive exhibit of the islands’ natural history, human interaction, ecosystems, flora & fauna and your naturalist will use the exhibits to provide an illustrated overview of life on the Islands. A short trail arrives at Frigate Bird Hill, where both “magnificent-frigates” and “great-frigates” can be seen in the same colony. Next we return to the airport where we began our journey in the Galapagos for the flight back to the Ecuadorian mainland.

From US$ 5999.90 per person

Based on double occupancy, group tours with Private Transfers, Vistadome train and 4-star Superior Hotel. *Private tours, other accommodations and train options available upon request.


As price depends on each passenger choices, please contact us to send you an updated price based on your specific request. Please send us the following information and we will respond within 24 hours with your updated price.

  • Number of people in your party
  • Level of accommodation (3 Superior,4,5*). Please see options
  • Private or Group Tour
  • Train choice. Please see options
  • Adding options: if you like to add day tours, extra days, meals, etc
  • Need domestic or international flights?
  • Have a special request (ie: special diet, wheelchair, children, senior, etc)


About Machu Picchu Entrance Tickets

As the popularity of Machu Picchu has increased in the last few years, and in order to preserve the ancient paths of Machu Picchu, the Peruvian Culture Ministry has restricted the number of people that could enter Machu Picchu to a maximum number of 3,267 people per day. This means that, once all the tickets are sold out, no further entrance tickets will be available. Also, please note that to avoid a secondary market for these tickets, all tickets are issued with the name of the passenger, his/her passport number, nationality and date of birth. Therefore, tickets are non refundable and non transferable. Also the tour to Llaqta or Inka city of Machupicchu should last up to 4 hours, visitors will be divided into 2 turns: from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. pursuant to Art. 16 of the Regulations.

About Huayna Picchu Tickets

Entrance tickets to Huayna Picchu are no longer free. They are now US$12.00 per person. There are two scheduled visits per day, with a limit of 200 people per visit (total of 400 per day). If you are interested in hiking Huayna Picchu, we will need you to let us know at the same time you book your trip since Huayna Picchu tickets need to be purchased in conjunction with Machu Picchu tickets.


  • Round-trip Vistadome train. Other train options available upon request: Expedition train, Hiram Bingham Train upon request.
  • Bus to Machu Picchu roundtrip.
  • Expert leadership, guides, crew & support personnel for all listed tours
  • Accommodations: 1 night in Lima, 3 nights in Cuzco, 7 nights in Galapagos Legend, 1 night in Quito
  • Meals as noted (B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner, S = Snack). We can add any meals upon request
  • All non-alcoholic beverages consumed onboard
  • Land excursions as noted including entrance fees (BTG, Cathedral, Qoricancha, MachuPicchu)
  • Snorkeling gear, kayaks and wetsuits for the entire cruise
  • All activities onboard (excursions, snorkeling, kayaks)
  • Private Transportation: Lima Airport/Lima Hotel, Lima Hotel/Lima Airport, Cusco Airport/Cusco Hotel, Cusco Hotel/Train Station, Train Station/Cusco Hotel, Cusco Hotel/Cusco Airport, Quito Airport/Quito Hotel, Quito Hotel/Quito Airport, Galapagos
  • Airport/Port, Port/Galapagos Airport


  • Tipping & Gratuities for Peru (Guides $4 per person per day / Drivers $1 per person per day)
  • Tipping & Gratuities for guides and crew for Galapagos (Guides $10 per person per day / Crew $15 per person per day / Barman $5 per person per day)
  • Diving is an optional activity on the cruises and has an additional charge.
  • Bar consumption onboard (all-inclusive package available)
  • Fuel Surcharge
  • Galapagos National Park Entrance Fee ($100 adults, U$50 children)
  • Galapagos Immigration Card Fee (US$10 per person)
  • Domestic Flights from Quito to Galapagos Island (Round Trip)
  • Airport taxes: Local ($5-6) and International ($31) departure tax of payable in local currency by each passenger at Lima International Airport upon departure (if applicable)
  • International and domestic airfares, usually quoted separately
  • Excess baggage charges
  • Medical immunizations
  • Insurance of any kind: mandatory evacuation insurance; suggested cancellation insurance, interruption, baggage loss, damage and delay
  • Items of a personal nature (clothing, sodas, liquor, snacks, laundry, etc.)
  • Visas. Please be advised that some citizens other than Canadians and US may need visa to travel to Peru. Please advise us of your nationality to help you or check with the Peruvian Consulate.
  • Travel Insurance with Emergency Evacuation option is mandatory to enter Ecuador.


All of our tours are offered in both Group and Private services; however, as we like to maintain control of the quality of our tours, even our group tours include PRIVATE transfers. This is important, as when you get picked up; you will go directly to your hotel without having to drive around the city to drop off other people in their hotels. Transportation is just for you.

Destinations Tours: Private Transfers + Group Cultural Tours
Special Interest Tours: Private Transfers + Private Special Interest Activities + Group Cultural Tours

Destinations Tours: Private Transfers + Private Cultural Tours
Special Interest Tours: Private Transfers + Private Special interest Activities + Private Cultural Tours


We offer all level of accommodations. When creating an itinerary it would be important to know which your preferred level of accommodation is. Please be sure that at all levels our recommended hotels offer great service and nice comfortable rooms. Our team has personally tried all our recommended hotels.

3-star Superior: These are 3-star that should really be considered has 4-star Hotels. Nice location, great rooms and charming decoration. Excellent service, with restaurant, room service, business centre, laundry, etc. Buffet breakfast. Best value. Perect for someone looking for an inexpensive option and still have some superior services.
4-star Hotels: Good location, very nice rooms, great decoration and excellent service. This hotel includes more services such as room service, business center, laundry, spas, more room features, etc. Some have gourmet restaurants. Buffet breakfast. Perfect for someone looking for some luxury and special services and do not need a 5-star option.

4-star Suites: Some 4-star hotels have suites that offer the same room features of a 5-star option. Perfect for someone looking to upgrade from a 4-star standard room and get more space and features.
5-star Hotel: What you usually imagine a 5-star hotel is. Great location, luxury accommodations and excellent service. Gourmet restaurants, spas, room service, business center, etc. Perfect for someone looking for a 5-star service but do not need the 5-star Deluxe option.
5-star Deluxe: These 5-star deluxe hotels offer ultimate luxury with outstanding service, luxurious rooms with deluxe room features and “you ask-you will get” concierge service. Properties have privileged locations or particular history behind it. Gourmet restaurants and spas. Ideal for the luxurious traveler.


Expedition: The least expensive tourist train, recently renovated offers nice seats and good train service.
Vistadome: A higher category of train service, with panoramic roof windows. It offers a snack and fashion show.
Hiram Bingham: Luxury train which offers lunch, tea-time and dinner service.
Andean Explorer: Train service from Cusco to Puno or Puno to Cusco. Departs only on certain days of the week, depending on the season.



Peruvian Airlines: Peruvian owned airline that offer the least expensive prices but has few frequencies. Both Peruvian and Foreigners pay the same.
Star Peru: Peruvian owned airline. It flyes to many destinations and offers good value prices, but has few frequencies. Both Peruvian and Foreigners pay the same.


Taca Airlines: Central American owned airline that offers great service but few frequencies to Cusco. It is moderately expensive. It offers sale prices for Peruvian Residents ONLY that cannot be purchased by tourists.
Latam Peru: Chilean owned airline. It offers great service and many frequencies to Cusco (almost 13 flights per day). Prices are the highest on the market. It offers sale prices for Peruvian Residents ONLY that cannot be purchased by tourists.


Lima/Cusco/Lima: From US $ 350.00 per person. This is an example price, since prices depends on the airline, date and time of booking.


Lima/Cusco/Lima: From US $350.00 per person. This is an example price, since prices depend on the airline, date and time of booking.
Quito/Galapagos/Quito: From US $421.00 per person. This is an example price, since prices depend on the airline, date and time of booking.